Thursday, October 14


Well, I think Kerry went 3 for 3, and I think it has really helped him in the polls. I'm also expecting a big Rovian October Suprise, so, sadly, it's still BushCo's race to lose -- if hey pull off the OS skillfully enough they can win; if not, it will backfire.

I don't have much to add to all the other commentary in Blogikstan. (Summary for those who never click through to Atrios: the chimp hung himself on his own petard with that "I don't remember saying I'm not worried about Osama. Sounds like one of them ex-ag-ger-ations." He also seemed to be drooling. Seriously. But other than that, he did much better on this debate than the others, despite moving every topic back to No Child Left Behind, no matter the question. Oh yeah, and Kerry made reference to Cheney's openly gay daughter, which has apparently incensed Lynne Cheney, the one person in the country who didn't know Mary's out of the closet.) I do have one comment I haven't seen elsewhere, though:

Take the f-ing flu vaccine, Mr. President. I don't have an ounce of goodwill toward you, and yes, you screwed up again on this one, but we'll let it slide. You have to pretend to be the President for another three months. For the sake of the stock market if nothing else, we need to at least seem to have a healthy "leader."

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