Thursday, August 18

Let's Pretend I'm an Idiot

Not a big stretch on even my best days, I know. But I have entirely no clue what our objective is in Iraq anymore, and wish someone would explain it to me. Forget the rhetoric of "Noble Causes," how do we know when we've "won"?

Now that the Iraq war is about "terrorism" instead of WMDs, mushroom clouds, liberating the Iraqi people, whatever the last thing they test-marketed is, do we "win" by whacking the final terrorist mole? 'Cause they're making more, y'know.

Do we "win" when Iraq has a stable government again? It looks at this point like an Islamic Republic is the best we can hope for -- does that count? Once there's a sovereign government in place, do we then withdraw all of our troops?

No, not even if they say "please?"

So, does winning equal having troops in Iraq indefinitely? That sounds like losing to me.

But then, I'm just a dullard.

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