I was one of those folks who took a strong position against the war, but felt that if we went, we'd better stay until we'd stabilized the country -- Powell's misnomered "Pottery Barn" policy. But I'm not so sure anymore whether we're doing more harm than good by staying there, and whether an artificially constructed country like Iraq even CAN stay together without a homicidal strongman like Hussein in power.
Which is why I can't get too worked up about protesting the war. Even prominent Republicans are acknowledging it was a bad idea, poorly executed. But
what do we do now? The solutions to the mess we've made aren't going to fit on a 3' x 4' cardboard sign. And they're not going to be found by the current group of nincompoops on Penn Ave.
I think all we can do is try to restore some balance to Congress in '06, and hope that President Clinton-44 can bring some intelligence and competence back to the White House.