Tuesday, June 27

Rush Limbaugh gone Viagra-tric!

Pill-popping motormouth Rush Limbaugh has had another brush with the law. This time, the thrice-married, thrice-divorced radio host was detained for several hours after Customs officials found unprescribed Viagra in his luggage when he returned to the United States from the Dominican Republic. This leads to the following questions:

  • What was Limbaugh doing in the Dominican Republic?
  • Is it accepted practice for a name to be omitted from a bottle of medication for privacy reasons — the explanation given for why Limbaugh's name wasn't on the prescription?
  • What was Limbaugh, a single man, doing with Viagra? He is abstaining from the physical act of love until the next time he gets married, isn't he?
  • Who would have sex with Rush Limbaugh?
Inquiring minds want to know.

UPDATE: The latest story says that yes, on occasion prescriptions can be filled this way with the consent of all involved and proper documentation. The other questions remain unanswered, and speculation like this makes for a fun read.

It looks like Limbaugh may get away with it (again), though he will have to sweat it out for a few days. (Sorry for conjuring the image of a sweaty Rush Limbaugh.)

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