Monday, July 19

He's a War President, Alright.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: U.S. exploring possible Iran-9/11 link: President Bush, despite assurances from the CIA that no such connection exists: "We will continue to look and see if the Iranians were involved," Bush said. "I have long expressed my concerns about Iran. After all it's a totalitarian society where people are not allowed to exercise their rights as human beings....
As to direct connections with Sept. 11, we're digging into the facts to determine if there was one," said the president, who has branded Iran as part of an "axis of evil" along with North Korea and prewar Iraq when it was ruled by Saddam Hussein.

Well, give him enough time, maybe he'll start to realize that there is one nation in the area he hasn't yet invaded that seemed to have really strong ties to 9/11. Unfortunately, they have even stronger ties to the Carlyle Group....

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