Thursday, May 6

More Moore

Bet I'm the first one to use that headline.

My flagitious femme-fatale of a friend, Ms. Fay alerted me to this nugget from the Center for American Progress, indicating that perhaps Eisner, who is thisclose to being kicked out of the helm of the Mouse House, is not scared of Jeb-the-Governor so much as he's afraid of Jeb-the-Shareholder:

JEB BUSH CONTROLS 7.3 MILLION SHARES OF DISNEY STOCK: As governor of Florida, Jeb Bush serves as a trustee for the state employees' pension fund. That fund owns approximately 7.3 million shares of Disney stock. According to the Orlando Sentinel on 3/2/04, how the state votes those shares in board of director elections is "a closely watched decision with political as well as economic dimensions." In the last board election, in which Eisner ran unopposed, Jeb Bush and the other trustees symbolically withheld their support for Eisner. If the trustees were to continue opposing Eisner in future elections it could endanger his "two-decade reign at the top of the company."

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