Thursday, April 5

Rocking and sucking

Film critic Roger Ebert says he is winning his fight against salivary cancer. He still cannot speak, however, and is doing physical therapy in Florida. Ebert's latest book is called "Your Movie Sucks," a collection of reviews of his most-hated films.

The title brings to mind the Dullard guidelines for rating movies. Here's how it works. One person says the name of a movie, and as quickly as possible, others in the group respond with one of these choices:

  • Rocked
  • Sucked
  • So-so
  • Didn't see it
There's not much room for nuance, though the rules permit you to use "hard" or other modifiers if necessary. Here's an example:

You: "The Namesake."
Me: "Rocked!"

This activity is suitable for any occasion, but especially good on road trips.

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