Tuesday, April 17

Sorrow in Virginia, illogic on TV

The shootings at Virginia Tech are frightening and stunning. I still haven't fully comprehended the magnitude of this event, and my thoughts go out the families and friends affected by the deaths.

Perhaps inevitably, the news will "rekindle debate" (as they say in the media) over gun control. I will tune out such discussion as I've made up my mind on the issue. The same arguments will be hashed out as they were after Columbine, etc., and I don't need to hear them again.

That said, let it be known that the early salvo has come from the pro-gun side. Last night, as I searched for information on the shootings and found only ceaseless prattle on the cable news networks, I saw a host and guest on Headline News agree that the students and faculty should have been armed. Then, it is argued, the professors and students could have taken down the shooter before he could have caused the damage he did.

To quote Penn and Teller, bullshit! By that logic, the TSA checkpoints at airports should be making sure all travelers are armed, not unarmed. How else can airline passengers defend themselves?

UPDATE: My friend Madelyn brings it home in this Washington Post op-ed. (The site may ask for registration.)

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