Thursday, August 26

These People Are Shameless

And fortunately, also clueless. Do even the party faithful think that W has somehow been fiscally conservative the last four years? And they want to imply that Kerry's the one who's going to spend us into the larger deficit? When their own scrolling Kerry quote shows him pledging to cut the deficit in half in four years? That's not spending, that's making up for W's reckless fiscal policies by paying back a loan (something W has never had to look into, with all his Daddy's friends around to bail him out of one failed business after another).

And, they want to bring up Kerry's wealth and how he vacations? I guess what George doesn't have in quality for his time off, he makes up for in quantity. The funny thing is, the Republicans think these are their strong suits to run on -- and with their dismal record on the economy, the environment, and the War on Terra, they're probably right.

The sad thing is I went to the aptly named site to find out what was to be included in the Republican platform this year, and couldn't find a thing.

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