Tuesday, June 1

Ann Coulter: Tit for Tet

Heh-heh. Ann Coulter said tit.

I'm not sure what she's getting at (something about liberal media bad, war good?), because I can't really follow her reasoning in this article. I like this bit, though: "Whenever great matters are at stake, you can always count on liberals to have some pointless, womanly complaint."

Dames, eh?

She also says dumber stuff like the following [my comments in brackets]:

We have liberated the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator who gassed his own people [in the 80s, with chemicals we gave him], had weapons of mass destruction [not anytime recently], invaded his neighbors [about 15 years ago], harbored terrorists [not really], funded terrorists [could be he encouraged Palestinian suicide bombers] and had reached out to Osama bin Laden [big stinkin' lie].

Such illogical, womanly complaints. And then she has the gall to allude to Orwell's 1984!

She is, in all senses of the word, hysterical. And about as "liberated" as I imagine the folks in Iraq are feeling about now.

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