Wednesday, September 8


So we hit that grim milestone in Iraq (not counting "civilian contractors" and various other hangers-on). With that stat trending upward, I expect we'll surpass the 3000 that died in the tragically unrelated 9/11 attack long before we're out of this quagmire, no matter who gets elected in November.

But come November, remember who got us into this mess, despite all the mission accomplishing; whose Secretary of Defense calls fatalities so far "relatively small"; who hasn't attended one soldier's funeral, and won't allow the press to photograph their coffins.

I couldn't agree more with VP Cheney, that it is absolutely essential on Nov 2 that we "make the right choice. Because if we make the wrong choice, then the danger is that we'll get hit again, and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating."

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