Wednesday, September 29

Write Your Representative

There's an Act before the house next week called the "9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act of 2004." Republican Brownshirts are trying to use this Act to sneak in some language which basically will legalize the use of torture on "suspected" terrorists. If you're reading this blog, that probably horrifies you. It bothered me enough to write my Congress Critter, which I rarely do. Below is my letter to my rep, Congresswoman Jane Harman. I urge you to drop a line to your representative, as well.

Regarding the provisions to legalize the use of "extraordinary rendition" in the "9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act of 2004," introduced by House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL), as referenced in

It is unconscionable that we employ torture on suspected terrorists. While openly legalizing it would at least bring this shameful practice out into the open, I think those benefits are outweighed by the prospect of our interrogation techniques becoming even more outrageous if they are publically endorsed. It's quite possible that the only reason our intelligence methods aren't even more repugnant than they are, is that at least people have to break the law to commit these inhumane acts.

The scandal of Abu Grabe has shown that Americans, your constituents, are appalled by the use of torture. Given your voting record, I believe you probably are, as well. Please do whatever you can to oppose this heinous bill.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter -- it will truly be a black stain on our Democracy if we allow such barbarism to be codified into law.

EDIT: See two posts up for more detail.

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