Friday, September 17

How is this Race Even Close?

It's mind-boggling to me. The only reason left to vote for Bush is if one of two things are highest on your agenda: banning abortion, or protecting marriage from sodomites.

Other than that, I don't see how a supposed conservative could vote for him (and, indeed, a fair number of Republicans are turning their backs on Bush). He's not fiscally Republican, bloating government and driving the national debt to a staggering all-time high (and losing over a million jobs in the process). He's seemingly done his best to subvert the war on terror by detouring into Iraq. And his foreign policies have done more to destabilize Asia and the middle east than anyone could have thought possible four years ago.

The thing that bothers me the most is that he then just turns around and lies about it all, just like he lied to get into office ("I don't believe in nation building") and get his agenda through (manufactured Saddam/al Quaeda/WMD connections).

Of course, the thing that bothers me the second most is that he's killing 2-3 of our soldiers a day without any plan to get them out of Iraq.

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